How To Fit Your New Collar
You have received your fabulous new collar but you think it doesn't look quite right, it looks far too small. Before you worry too much take a look at this video it should help. We close the collars right down for shipping so that they don't get creased by folding them in the middle. We want it to arrive with you in the condition that we sent it to you. It is extremely easy to think it is tiny if you pull apart the collar at the wrong point. Before you try to fit it just open it up fully first. Slide the adjustment bar all the way to the other side so you have just one collar layer rather than 2. Then put it on and make smaller to fit. We have had a few messages over the years with worried customers thinking the collar is the wrong size. We are extremely careful to get the size right. All of our collars are made to your measurements with room for adjustment so it is not possible that you can't even get it over your dog's head. So if you are still stuck take a look at the video that we made below. It is a common question we have so if you are here looking for help then rest assured you are not alone.